
Immersive armors all armors
Immersive armors all armors

I *think* there were some other patches as well to get other mods to play well with Immersive Armors. AFAIK though, the base SRLE build involves the Conflict Resolution patch at the end, and that patch includes the esp from Immersive Armors as a master. I'm going to redo my SRLE build, and this time I'm skipping out of Immersive Armors and most of my current armor mods, opting for The Book of UUNP instead. I suspect this is caused by some meshes from Remodeled Armor. I've also noticed weird artifacts with some NPCs wearing certain pieces of armor, causing "floating" pieces of armor to follow them around.

immersive armors all armors

Thing is, I don't like or don't care for 99% of it. Sorry for the lengthy post but I want to get back into TTW but seeing DC raiders with the same stuff over and over is really dull and tedious to play against.I'm around 20 hours into my current gameplay, and just for testing I used console cheats to pump the Smithing skill (so I can see what armors are added by Immersive Armors). Weapons incidentally still work and appear in the raiders hands, and the armors themselves still exist because the testing hall the mod author made is still there and I can still access all those armors. Annoyingly I can't take this up with SIG because the original mod has been purged from the Nexus, so my only guess is something has changed with TTW that rebalances leveled raider equipment and so the SIG armor hasn't been added to the new system. Works with Jackals, Vipers, The Pitt wildmen and the escaped cons in Primm, but DC raiders armor has not changed and have all retained their original armor. However since 3.2 I've noticed the custom armor doesn't work with DC raiders.

immersive armors all armors

It worked more or less 100% fine, aside from Talon Company being naked but that seems to have been a known issue.

immersive armors all armors

I have noy played TTW for some time (2018 was the last time I installed/played the mod) but one mod I did use when I played it was the title related mod, Senterpat's TTW Immersive Armors and Weapons or SIG as the ESP is known. Long time TTW fan but first time poster, so forgiveness if this has been covered somewhere or am I unaware of any unforeseen drama.

Immersive armors all armors